
Showing posts from September, 2018

Calling all Realtors, Car Dealership, etc

Good Afternoon, We would love to help your clients that suffer from low credit scores. We can help them restore their credit and send them back to you once they have received their ideal goal. For more information email us at or call us at 979-402-9901.

"5 tips for selecting the best tradelines."

Tradeline Tip 1. Higher credit limits and older aged tradelines correlate to bigger credit score increases.  Tradeline Tip 2.   You should have at a bare minimum, at least 3 OPEN & POSITIVE tradelines (AKA accounts) on your credit report. Meaning one tradeline is NOT enough to get approved for most anything. Tradeline Tip 3. Within your credit monitoring site, go to the 'credit factors' section. It will tell you exactly what you need as far as tradelines go. Are your accounts of low age? Then you need an aged tradeline at least 10+ years old. [The older the tradeline, the bigger your credit score increase.] Is your debt over 30% utilization? Then you need a high credit limit card to help balance out your utilization.  Do you have negative inaccurate accounts? Then you need a credit sweep.  Do you have a bunch of credit inquiries not linked to open positive accounts? Then you need inquiry removal.  Tradeline Tip 4. You should select tradelines from the

Rule of Thumb when Purchasing a Home

As a general rule, the total monthly cost of your mortgage payment, property taxes, and insurance should not exceed more than 28% of your pre-tax income, and your combined monthly payments across  all  your outstanding debt should not exceed more than 36% of your pre-tax income. By staying within this range, you give yourself the best chance of mortgage approval. You can use our  new-house calculator to estimate how much house you can afford.
The History of Credit Score. Read History of Credit Score.

Credit Repair Myth's

Myth # 1: When I pay off a past-due account, such as a charge off or a collection account, it will show "paid" and no longer be negative. It is difficult to fully restore your credit without paying your outstanding debts. However, paying off a debt can actually hurt your credit. Negative items on your credit report are usually allowed to stay on your credit report for a maximum of seven (7) years. This 7 or 10 year clock begins ticking at the date of last activity or date of first delinquency. When paying an outstanding debt, you can change the account status and the date of last activity which can lower your scores. Myth # 2: If a negative item is successfully deleted from my credit report, it will just come right back on my report. The credit bureaus have cleverly spread this myth through the news media and government agencies. In truth, the credit bureaus will often temporarily delete a negative listing if they have not heard from the credit grantor for 30 day

September Promotional

September Credit Repair Promotional: Startup $99.99; $89.99 Monthly. Results in 30-45 days. Affiliates available to help rebuild and increase scores as well. You will also receive free education from our blog and monthly newsletter!!! Come and join a MEA Credit Repair where everyone is successful!!! #Goal chaser 

Possible Increase on Social Security checks

NoDerog | iStock | Getty Images Good news for those who are collecting Social Security: Your monthly checks likely will be bigger next year. The Social Security Administration generally announces its cost-of-living adjustment in October. The Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan organization, keeps an ongoing estimate of what that increase could be. The latest estimate — excluding September — pegs that increase at  2.8 percent . For those collecting the average Social Security benefit of about $1,400, that would mean an extra $39 a month. If that does not change between now and October, that will be the highest bump retirees have seen in recent years. In 2018, the  cost-of-living adjustment increased  by 2 percent, though for many that increase was eaten up by higher Medicare premiums. In 2017, the cost of living adjustment was just 0.3 percent, while in 2016, it was zero. Cost-of-living adjustments are aimed at ensuring that benefi

What are tradelines

What Are Tradelines? Trade lines are a great tool to use, but they promote a lot of questions. This is a great FAQs page to visit prior to diving into some of the more complicated areas of trade lines. If you have any other questions, please see other categories of trade lines to the right of this text or contact us. According to a trade line is an entry by a credit grantor to a consumer’s credit history maintained by a credit reporting agency. A tradeline describes the consumer’s account status and activity. Tradeline information includes names of companies where the applicant has accounts, dates accounts were opened, credit limits, types of accounts, balances owed and payment histories. Authorized user tradelines mean only one thing: credit card revolving accounts onto which an individual is added as an authorized user. “Tradelines” are the accounts listed in a credit report, such as mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, etc. An “authorized user” is a person which is

Layman's Guide to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) by section:

Layman's Guide to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) by section: Section 601  - The popular name of the law is the "Fair Credit Reporting Act" or the FCRA for short -- go to Section 601 . Section 602 - Why Congress found a need for the law, i.e. a credit reporting system that is fair and accurate to the consumer, and protects the privacy and specifies the permitted uses of consumer information -- go to Section 602 . Section 603 - Important definitions of key terms used in the Act. For example, a person is defined as an individual or an organization, but a consumer is defined only as a natural person. The law also defines what is a consumer report, a consumer reporting agency, consumer reports for employment purposes, and adverse actions -- go to Section 603 . Section 604  - This section is about the situations in which consumer reporting agencies may provide a consumer report. These situations are also called the "Permissible Purposes" to obt