What are tradelines

What Are Tradelines?

Trade lines are a great tool to use, but they promote a lot of questions. This is a great FAQs page to visit prior to diving into some of the more complicated areas of trade lines. If you have any other questions, please see other categories of trade lines to the right of this text or contact us. According to experian.com a trade line is an entry by a credit grantor to a consumer’s credit history maintained by a credit reporting agency. A tradeline describes the consumer’s account status and activity. Tradeline information includes names of companies where the applicant has accounts, dates accounts were opened, credit limits, types of accounts, balances owed and payment histories.
Authorized user tradelines mean only one thing: credit card revolving accounts onto which an individual is added as an authorized user. “Tradelines” are the accounts listed in a credit report, such as mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, etc. An “authorized user” is a person which is given access to the account as a user, but who is not responsible for balance. While this is the definition, the term “authorized user tradelines” has become synonymous with a credit enhancement technique where people – like you – can pay to be added as an authorized user for the sole purpose of having the history associated with that account appear on the authorized user’s account. This – if the account is in good standing – can drastically improve the authorized user’s credit standing
You can get your tradelines started at : http://meacreditandtax.TopTradelines.com


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